By David Edwards
Categories: Activism, Featured
Larry Butler told SC Progressive Network that South Carolina’s new voter photo ID law will prevent him from voting. The state won’t issue him a driver’s license because he can’t produce the necessary documentation. Butler does not have a birth certificate because he was not born in a hospital and the elementary school he attended burnt down many years ago so the required records are not available.
Opponents argue that voter photo ID laws unfairly target minorities and the poor who are less likely to have photo identification.
Watch this video from SC Progressive Network, uploaded June 7, 2011.
My Thoughts:
Situations like this are not uncommon and I feel will become more prevalent as we get closer to the general election. Various states have or are either in the process of changing their voter registration laws to make it more difficult for people to vote. One has to ask why? It can't possibly be because of fraud, there's been all kinds of fraud for years and I don't believe for one second that they are all that concerned about it. As promised I will keep it real and state what I honestly feel whether its right or wrong.
Never before have we had a black president and never before have we had a black president running for re-election. His election to the highest office in this country has shown America and the rest of the world that racism and ignorance is still alive and stronger than ever. Yes things have changed but people of color cannot be so naive to think that his election alone would change things for the better in terms of race relations or the perception of people of color. We still have to continue to do our part to implement the change we so desperately want. President Obama can't do it alone, especially when you have Congress working against him. So as it stands we have an all out declaration of war where the objective is to keep President Obama from being re-elected by any means necessary. To hell with our economy, healthcare, or education. To hell with social services for the needy. To hell with the struggling middle and lower class. That is why it is important for each and everyone us to pay attention and stay informed with what's going on in Washington as well as our local governments. When its time to go to the polls we will know the issues and know what and who we are voting for. Even more important is that we all go out and vote. It is becoming more important than ever that we all show up to the polls. At times it feels our votes don't matter but it goes deeper than that for me. I know what my people went through just for someone like me to have the right to vote. In my opinion it is a slap in their faces for me not to vote considering the struggles and hardships they endured considering some of them still never earned the right to vote.
So my final thoughts and hopes are that we educate care ourselves so that we can't be taken advantaged of and we take our knowledge to the polls and vote!
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