One question I've asked myself lately is are men really honest with themselves when it comes to love? We all have so many excuses as to why we are single but what if we are honest for a moment. I've heard several men say "I've never been in love". Well why is that? Do you feel you are incapable of loving or deep down are you afraid? Does the fear of being hurt force you to put this wall up that makes it impossible for you to allow someone to love you?
After several encounters and random conversations with male friends and associates within the past weeks, particularly a conversation I had today, I am more than certain you all are not as hard as you want us to think. You want love and happiness just as much as we do. There is nothing wrong with wanting to share your life with someone and wanting to be in love. Being a man doesn't mean you have to act hard all the time. Open your mind and your heart and allow yourself to actually care for someone else and I'm more than certain you will have a different perspective on life. Yes we are all afraid of being hurt but if the risk weren't so great, would it even be worth having? Loving and being in love can be the best or worst feeling in the world. There are people who search a life time just to have a taste of just being in love and being loved. So you think I'm wrong? Then just give it a try.
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